Cassie appears with an umbrella and smiles at him, "I told you it was going to rain" she tells him, revealing that it was part of the plan. Nick grabs the case and jams the syringe into his arm, which "kills" him. In the midst of the fight, Carver injures Nick. Kira reveals she has been using Nick the entire time and Nick takes the three to the building which contain the lockers and the case. Carver tells Kira and Nick that the relationship they believe they had never happened and a special evening together at Coney Island was a "push" memory. Nick goes to retrieve the augmentation drug and confronts Carver and Kira. He finds the case in his room but Carver introduces himself to Kira as a friend, stating that her memories are false she is a Division agent who volunteered to take the augmentation injection and suffered amnesia as a side-effect. He opens his envelope, which tells him to return home.

Nick regains consciousness: he has no memory of the envelopes or his plan. Cassie takes the shifted case to Nick's apartment and waits. He shifts another case to match the case with the syringe. Hook retrieves the case (which does not have 6 million dollars, but instead has the syringe Kira stole) and brings it back to Cassie. Nick uses a "Wiper" to erase his memories of the plan, ensuring that Watchers from both Division and the Triads will no longer be able to interfere. Cassie tells him to "take an umbrella, it's going to rain", he replies with "you be careful too". While Kira and Pinky leave in a taxi, Nick and Cassie share a goodbye. Nick comes up with a plan that involves seven envelopes in which he places instructions each person in the group is entrusted with one red envelope, and none are to be opened until the right time. With the aid of Cassie's visions, they piece together the events that led them to meet Cassie's mother used her visions to set a complex plan in motion that will destroy Division. Cassie finds the key to a locker in which Kira hid a valuable case. They recruit a "Shadow" named "Pinky" Stein (Nate Mooney) to hide Kira from the "Sniffers". Nick and Cassie find Kira, who had a romantic relationship with Nick. He uses his abilities to make a replica of the clue in Cassie's drawing and tells them to go to Emily Hu ( Ming-Na), a highly skilled "Sniffer" who can help them find Kira. Nick sees an old friend, "Hook" Waters ( Cliff Curtis), who happens to be a "Shifter". Nick and Cassie go to a nightclub on a hint from Cassie's predictions.

They are attacked by Triad Bleeders but escape.

A young girl named Cassie Holmes ( Dakota Fanning) arrives at Nick's apartment, explaining that she is a "Watcher" and that they are going to find a case containing 6 million dollars. He attempts to use his ability to make a living, but his poor skills at "moving" at a dice game leave him indebted to a local Triad controlled by "Bleeders", bred by the now-defunct Chinese Division. In Hong Kong, Nick ( Chris Evans) is hiding from the Division as an expatriate. Rendering the doctor unconscious, Kira steals his security clearance card and an augmentation drug-filled syringe and escapes. Nick sees his father get killed before escaping.Ī decade later, the American Division tests an augmentation drug on a "Pusher", named Kira ( Camilla Belle). Realizing that escape is impossible, Nick's father tells him of a vision he received from a "Watcher" a girl will give him a flower and he is to do whatever she says in order to "save us all." Nick's father throws Nick into an air vent as Agent Henry Carver ( Djimon Hounsou) of the Division arrives. Two "Movers", Nick Gant and his father ( Joel Gretsch), are on the run from the "Division". A narrator ( Dakota Fanning) describes how those with abilities have been involved with the US government since 1945.