Paste Wizard recognizes certain types of text much like Apple's Data Detectors, and allows you to paste or operate on them in special ways. Paste Wizard allows you to display up to 99 clipboards (per set) in a compact manner, making it easy to quickly find which one you want to paste again.

Clipboards are also optionally available from an icon in the menu bar.You can securely and easily fill in forms.You can paste multiple clipboards rapidly through three different mechanisms.You can delete individual, unlocked, or ALL saved clipboards (for example if they contain sensitive data).

You can lock clipboards so they are not displaced by new ones.You can edit text clipboards you have already saved.You can quickly search the grid to find clipboards you want.

Recognition of special text types in clipboards allows convenient pasting or operation.Clipboards produced by many automatic typing utilities (like TextExpander, Butler, TypeIt4Me, Typinator, Keyboard Maestro, 1Password, etc.) are ignored.Compact grid display allows you to see and select from many saved clipboards at once.It can also be used as a rapid-access database by labeling clipboards. Paste Wizard is an easy to use clipboard manager that allows you to save multiple clipboards and be able to paste them again later.